What Works Today May Not Work Tomorrow

What Works Today May Not Work Tomorrow


How are you? Right now I’m fine. But I need a more robust emotional/mental tool belt these days. Being compassionate with ourselves–all cooped up and stressed out and un-showered and less-groomed and parenting all-the-damn-time and cooking three-meals-a-day–is pretty darn important. The most useful tool frankly is remembering that the feelings–however intense and hard–will pass.


I’ve had more moments of not wanting to cook and being irritated at the mundane effort it all takes, the weight of the widespread trauma and suffering in the world, or just the exhaustion of daily technical challenges that suck my soul dry. So I’m digging a little deeper, by paying attention when I do something that makes me feel better. . . sometimes the usual walk around the block, a few deep breaths, or a handful of chocolate chips does the trick. Sometimes facing the fear or frustration head-on, like diving into yet another tutorial on Zoom webinars, actually restores some sense of peace. I don’t want to be afraid of any of it, of the new systems I have to learn and I don’t want to expect to get it right all the time. Some days Zoom feels like a gift, some days like overcooked four-day-old Brussels Sprouts!


One thing I have loved is recording more videos for you all–quick 30 second Tuesday Tips evolved into far more frequent ones when self-isolation first started. Longer how-to videos on everything from the best pie dough technique to quick lunches  to spiced cauliflower steaks and my beloved Kaiserschmarren.




Most of these videos have been posted on Instagram but they are now all collected on a Vimeo channel. If you need a little entertainment or inspiration or distraction check it out and subscribe so you’ll see the new ones as they post. Maybe something will make you a laugh or give you an idea for dinner or make you feel a little less alone.


Love to you all!



14 thoughts on “What Works Today May Not Work Tomorrow”

  • carol Anton says:

    This really cheered me up. It reminded me of my German mom’s waffle recipe where she did the egg yolks and whites separately like this a, and produced the fluffiest waffles!! I miss you !!!

  • It helps that your enthusiasm, skill and presence make you a fabulous teacher! Looking forward to checking all the videos out!

  • Carol Hickman says:

    I saw this Rilke quote and felt it captured so much about this time. Sending love.

    “I want to beg you, as much as I can, dear sir, to be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

    • cookwithwhatyouhave says:

      Oh Carol, thank you for sharing this. It’s just what I needed and yes, I think of Rilke here in these times but had not encountered this.

  • Your first paragraph! That’s the damn truth. We’re making frequent use of boxed cereal and leftovers and make-your-own sandwiches. And the kitchen is only open certain hours because it’s also my home office and my kids make lousy Zoom backgrounds.

  • Bettina Brohmann says:

    thanks for this raisin-free version…! And I will try this for breakfast as well – very good idea 🙂
    All the best from southern Germany

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