Salt your Food!

Salt your Food!

It’s too beautiful out to spend much time at the computer. At long last it feels like summer has arrived. One of my dearest friends is getting married this weekend here in Portland and I think her arrival in town has brought out the sun. Margo is also the person for whom I’m making the wedding cake that I may or may not have mentioned here but will get a full post once it’s completed and happily devoured.

The two salts I use: Diamond Crystal Kosher and a Portuguese "Flor de Sal", a very good sea salt.

Now to salt . . . . Much has been written recently about salt and several recent posts on the ever informative have useful links and commentary. Much of this debate was started by a panel appointed by the USDA which is making the case for more stringent crackdown on salt.

The key distinction, which many of the current articles make, is that processed food is jam-packed with salt and ever more so. This recent NY Times piece gives you all the dirty details. But I want to refer you to this wonderful piece I also just discovered on Culinate which sums up my salt mantra which I give at the beginning of each of my cooking classes. I start my spiel with: “The difference been mediocre food and good food is  salt.” It’s not quite that simple but almost, so read the piece and find out and then go out and play in the sun, then come in make a quick salad or soup or frittata with all the beautiful produce we have, salt it well and enjoy!

P.S. The sea salt I use–for salad dressings, finishing dishes, etc.–is available at Pastaworks.

P.P.S. I had two very fun cooking classes this last week and will share a recipe or two from these soon! If you can’t wait, some of them are posted on Sauvie Island Organic’s blog. You have to scroll down a bit, but I’m there!

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