Like so many people, I’ve been making the no-knead bread made famous by Mark Bittman’s NY Times piece three or four years ago. I now regularly make this loaf with 75% whole wheat (using Shephard’s grain whole wheat flour) with magnificent results. the crumb is open and the texture chewy and the crust, crackly and toasty brown.
I’ve decided to focus one of my upcoming classes on the many uses for bread (not in a sandwich kind of way) as part of dinner.

I tend to still have a 1/4 of a loaf leftover (for fear of running out) when I pull a new one out of the oven and then we want to eat the new one, fresh with butter or cheese as a snack or make sandwiches. Maybe that’s why I have such a repertoire of dishes that incorporate that last 1/4 to delicious effect. Many cultures/cuisines have used up bread in creative ways for hundreds of years and it’s certainly a hearty base for many a dish, especially this time of year.
Laura says:
That sounds wonderful. Can you post the recipe for your bread for those of us too far away for the classes? I just love what you are doing! I have never heard of no knead bread….